Friday, April 25, 2008

Ah, The Best Laid Plans

Last night I was supposed to make french toast for dinner. After stopping to pick up the milk (free!), I just didn't have the wherewithal to go through with dinner. Maybe tomorrow for a late breakfast. I'm sure you're wondering what MJ and I had for dinner. Well, MJ loves tortilla chips. And I've begun frying my own at home. So, that's what I did. Fried white corn tortillas with our favorite spice blend. We weren't terribly hungry so this was a quick and easy snack to munch on while watching "My Name Is Earl". Don't judge me! It can't be all Food Network all the time. Besides, the best cooking shows are on PBS.

Is it dinner if the table isn't set with linens and silverware? Or have you seen the table recently? Is it like mine covered with jewelry boxes (I'm a Silpada Designs rep) or mail? When I find my camera, I'll let you take a peek.

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